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Our Service

We believe it is impossible to become the leader in any field of business without offering exceptional service.

Brompton’s has established itself as one of the foremost auctioneers of instruments, particularly bowed strings, in Europe. Put simply, they sell more instruments, for more money, and break more records than anybody else.

Tim Homfray, Classical Music Magazine

Luthier Service

Many instruments that come to Brompton’s have not been played for years, and are often in need of minor attention, a new bridge or sound post, new strings etc. James Hawkins, a restorer of many years experience, who has a bench at Brompton’s puts these instruments carefully back into playing condition. Any costs relating to minor restorations are discussed with the owner beforehand and usually deducted from the sale proceeds.


Our website is state of the art. It is easy to use and full of fascinating information, you will be able to see all our previous sales in the archive section. There is information about the great historical makers and their instruments, with fabulous illustrations. In addition our website offers access to our free online appraisal service and to our bidding system. The sheer depth of information available drives an enormous amount of traffic to our website from buyers and sellers around the globe.

Tax Advice

Through our accountants Jeffreys Henry, Brompton’s have access to the best tax advice in the world.